10 Reasons Little Run Stands Out
What Makes Little Run Elementary School Special
It's a Great Day to Be Part of Our Little Run Family!
10 Reasons Little Run Stands Out
Academic Achievement
Our exceptional staff engages in a process to ensure all students learn at high levels, both academically and behaviorally.
More than 90% of our students passed or showed significant improvement on state reading and math exams last year.
Student Programs 
Little Run has launched its first STEAM Lab to support student academic growth and enrichment across all grade levels.
Social Emotional Learning
To preserve a sense of belonging among our students, Little Run has launched a School-wide House System to build relationships across grade levels among students and staff members and celebrate student accomplishments.
Community Engagement
Little Run has an Action Team for Partnership to create a welcoming school environment and to engage the community to support student success.
Military-Connected Youth
The Military Kids Club celebrates our military-connected youth and their families through monthly events focused on building resilience and affirming student voices. Activities include guest speakers, ice cream socials, and events connected to Blue Star Welcome Week and Purple Up Month.
Each morning, the Little Run student anchor team broadcasts live to share our school community's exciting news and events.
College and Career Readiness
With the support of the school counselor, we provide a career assessment opportunity for fifth and sixth-grade students, help sixth-graders visit a university campus and hold a school-wide celebration of college and career day.
All students are immersed in the Spanish language through a weekly class while engaging in grade-level academic content.
Student Growth and Progress
Little Run staff are committed to ensuring student success through ongoing efforts to improve attendance, last year our efforts paid off in a five percentage point drop in chronic absenteeism!
Students at Little Run are provided mentorship through our adopt-a -school partnership with the George Mason Softball team and mentorship from our dedicated staff who are assigned a mentee to engage in weekly activities during lunch.