Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade Supply List
Fourth Grade Curriculum

Fourth grade is a very exciting year for students. They begin to take ownership of their learning as well as begin developing their functioning skills.
They strengthen their independent reading stamina, as well as adding details to their writing. As mathematicians, they delve deep into more conceptual topics, such as division and basic equations.
Social Studies is the highlight of fourth grade. Students dig deep into Virginia's history, its geographical makeup, and the famous Virginians who came before them.
In science, students explore
- magnetism and electricity,
- weather
- force, motion, and energy
- ecosystems
These topics will appear again on their science SOL in fifth grade.
Students will take a Virginia Studies SOL this year along with reading and math SOL's.
Fourth Grade Teachers
- Grades 4-6 Teacher, ES
- Grades 4-6 Teacher, ES