Third Grade

Third Grade Supply List

Third Grade Curriculum

3rd Grade Team
Mr. Sanchez, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Edmonson, Ms. Timmins 


Third graders will continue to expand their understanding of language arts and math concepts and deepen their knowledge of science and social studies units. 

In science, students will explore

  • the scientific process
  • the function and format of simple machines,
  • causes of the Earth's cycles,
  • the layers and components of soil 
  • the life cycle and adaptations of the ladybug.

 In social studies, students will explore

  • the ancient civilizations of Egypt, China, Greece, and Rome 
  • how the environment shaped the culture
  • the contributions that each civilization made for future generations

Third grade is an exciting year for learners. This is the first-year students will take the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests. Students will take reading and math SOL tests.

Third Grade Teachers